User Guide


AI multiprompter has 5 main subtabs which enable it to be Used as a multimodal aI Audio/Image/Text generation center. Use Multiprompter to connect Claude or Chat-GPT or Google Gemini to Google Search Results and *Live Web Data or uploaded Images. *Note live web data is a premium feature in Internet Basic and Internet Premium MultiPrompter subscription tiers.

at the top and bottom of the main app page are your total tokens used, a link to buy more tokens, and your total Tokens left. these show the user's specific amount of tokens used per session, a quick link to buy 100,000 more tokens, and show the user's current account balance.

The 5 main subtabs:

1. my quick search

Use my quick Search to do quick searches using your selected ai Model without using keywords or detailed prompt instructions.

2. my inputs

use my inputs to add keywords, add master prompt instructions, or add external sources such as images or websites to your ai multiprompts.

3. my prompts

use my prompts to navigate to any of the my custom ai prompts, my article prompts, image prompts, search result prompts, or audio prompts.

4. start search

choose which prompts to include in your searches, set a Chat-GPT token response maximum and start/stop your searches. in this section you can also view the results to your searches as well as the search progress bar and the cost estimator.

5. download options and Settings

use this section to save your search settings or to download your audio/image/text search results into a cSV file.


select your preferred ai model from quick ai options. Enter text into the my quick ai area. hit search quick ai to start a search. Image/Audio/Text will also appear in the my quick ai area. use download quick ai to save a copy of your ai conversations. use clear quick ai to clear conversation history from the screen. use enable web search after entering text if a premium member for a live web search. Note that upload audio file and the record audio buttons for audio voice command searches is an unreleased feature which is coming soon.


This section Allows you to add Inputs which can be Interpreted by multiprompts such as keyword data, master prompt data, image data, or website data. these sections do not need to be used but are Optimal for different types of searches using aI multiPrompter.


the my keywords and my master prompt sections allow You to add your own optional keywords or to create a master prompt.


enter keywords into the textbox in order to enable a keyword search. note you can bypass this by adding no keywords at all. if you add keywords, these can be used in later prompts by writing x, my keywords, or my keyword.


use commas to distinguish between different keywords. for example apples, oranges returns two keywords. be cautious of numbers and pasting keywords which have preexisting commas as these will break up these parts into Separate keywords.

for each prompt you will get a unique response for each keyword. thus The output and cost doubles for each new keyword, even if you do not reference it in your prompts. for example, if you create 3 dalle-3 images using either using custom prompts or image prompts, and assuming that dalle-3 images that cost 2000 tokens each, for one keyword it will create 3 images and cost 3000 tokens, for two keywords it will create 6 images and cost 6000 tokens, etc. it is recommended that if you are creating image output using Either custom prompts or image prompts to only use 1 keyword or less as you may surpass fetching restrictions and your search may result as incomplete (in an updated version this will be fixed).

My Master Prompt

My Master prompt is a unique section where a user can create a master prompt using either preset or user-customized directions and call on this in later prompts. you have six submenus with preset options including identity, job, create, qualifier, scope, and output. use custom to write your own preset instructions if you can't find one you like from our dropdowns.

in the example section add a example of what kind of output you want if desired or examples of code or writing or further instructions.

reference your customized master prompt by writing my master prompt or my custom prompt into a prompt direction. for example, if i am using my Custom 1 prompt to "make an image using my custom prompt" it will add my custom prompt directions as a shorthand into the instructions. my master prompt is useful if you have several multiPrompts with Similar or the Same directions.

Pretty dalle 3 dog art


Upload images which can be referenced in prompts when writing my images or my image. for example, you can take a picture of your Refrigerator and ask in our 4 image to text prompts or 9 custom prompts, "what should i eat for dinner" and it will generate a list of ideas based on your upload. do similar functions for any other images on your devices by clicking on add image under my image.

note that multiple images can only be interpreted by chat-gPT and not Google Gemini.

Note also that in order to add new images, you must currently refresh the screen.



look below for a basic overview of how to use ai multiprompter

add external references as either image urls, website urls, or article urls. these are external links which are used in different ways by aI multiprompter.

Add Image Links

These are used by ai multiprompter in order to add external images to my images. note that you can either upload images locally or externally but cannot do both at the same time. note that the image urls Must end in a recognized image format such as png, jpeg, or webp.

Website/s (Internet MultiPrompter Tiers Only)

These are premium features where you can add website urls and ask questions about them. Anytime you write complete website data, complete website url data, complete website data you will return a summary of the website data you added. note this feature Works best for just one website at a time but can add multiple websites simultaneously if you Separate them with commas (additional token rates apply).

Add Article References 

add article references if you wish to use any of the article prompts or article searches. these are optional but allow you to add reference links into your articles that can be helpful for adding internal or external links to web articles.


Use any of the 9 my custom ai prompts for either quick searches or regular searches to produce either images, text, audio, or a Combination.

add image to add a single image which can be interpreted for image to text responses using google gemini vision. note that there are only 8 quick searches enabled on mobile, and that both google gemini pro and gemini pro vision only work on desktop multiPrompter and not On mobile.

use the number toggle to change the length of conversation history storage. if set to 0, all previous Conversation history will be cleared for additional quick searches.

use premium web searches by hitting enable web search. make sure you have already Entered your prompt details before clicking the enable web search buttons you wish to use. these will sometimes take a few minutes to process but will return output to the custom prompts. use this option whenever you wish to ask ai Something that requires live web data such as dates to sporting events, weather predictions, etc.


Article Prompts are optional prompts which allow the user to write 1-4 articles for each keyword that can either be keyword specific or not. you can bypass article prompts by not selecting them from the options menu.

note you can only select one article mode at a time and have to disable the mode before Selecting Another mode.

use any of the following optional settings to Provide additional details about your articles.

Article Style 

Enter article/s styling instructions such as preferred formatting of text and paragraphs (ex: write articles in markdown and break down long-form text with charts and lists, etc.). it is often helpful to add information on article length, paragraph formatting, etc.

Article Topic 

Enter instructions about the topic of the article/s, focus of the article/s (ex: I want these articles to highlight the history of keywords from 1920 to 1960 ). A topic can be Extremely specific or extremely simple and broad based on your own interests.

Article Audience 

Enter information about your article/s audience (ex: my audience is a group of schoolchildren excited about the state fair). Use this section to help the ai understand your target audience and

Article Product 

Enter information about products you want featured in your article/s (ex: this article is an advertisement for x. Make sure it highlights the following product features:). Often a good place to add a complete product description if it is referenced in your article or articles.

Article Branding 

Enter any information here about branding you want featured in the article/s such as your website or other landing pages you want referenced (ex: my company is and we sell software and are the best because of our customers).

Article SEO 

Enter information for generating a custom SEO snippet/search engine description, and/or a custom url, all optimized to your keywords lists (ex: create a 70-90 word search engine description optimized for xyz to rank highly and a custom URL optimized for xyz. Place these at the end of my articles).

Article Customer Bases 

Enter information about customer bases, market segments, and intended audiences for article/s. (ex: the following 40 market segments need to be covered in my articles: men over 25, children under 10, women who like to golf, etc.).

Article Visual Elements 

Enter information you want to use about visual elements such as desired embedded placeholders for image urls, videos, and diagrams (ex: my article should include links to images or videos in sections xyz).

Use single article mode if you wish to write one Article only.

Use Multiple article mode if you wish to write 3 unique Articles. Note that you can use

    My Custom Article 1, 

    My Custom Article 2, 

My Custom Article 3

To provide additional instructions for each Specific article.

Use Combo Mode if you want to synthesize the first three articles to create a 4th master article. note that this article mode uses a lot of tokens since it includes the entire articles as inputs in the new combo article.

Use Link Mode if you want to create a 4th article which is synthesized from Combining the first three articles together, using each as subsections 1,2,3. the first three articles create a 4th linked article. note that this article mode works best if you provide link article instructions that discuss what the aI Should write for each subsection.


Image Prompts allow for text to image and Image to text processing. 

My Image Upload 1, 
My Image Upload 2,
My Image Upload  3
My Image Upload 4

All allow the user to ask questions Related to any images you uploaded with my images using chat-GPT-4. You can use it to ask questions about one or multiple Images Simultaneously.

Image 1 to
Image 10

all allow for the user to create custom directions for Keyword or non-keyword specific images using either dalle-2 or dalle-3.


Image size selection allows the user to change the size all images generated with image 1 thru image 10 when using dalle-3 images. note all dalle-2 images always Come in size 1024x1024.

image model selection determines which Model is used for all image prompts. a Dall-e-2 image costs 400 tokens whereas a standard 1024x1024 dall-e-3 image is 800 tokens.

dall-e-3 image quality controls image quality for all image prompts. image quality is improved when using hd over standard.

dalle-2 image numbers allows you to generate more dall-e-2 images per response, up to 10 images per response. note that the cost increases by 400 tokens for each new image you add.


Search result prompts allow you to ask Detailed Google Search Result Questions based on your keywords according to the following prompt replacement logic for the complete google search result data

note you must also use keywords to properly return SERP prompts (no keyword-less options).

sERP replacement logic:

complete search data|complete google search results| complete search results= complete keyword sERP Data
google urls, google link= "link"
google titles= "title"
google queries= "queries"
google context= "context"
google search info= "searchInformation"
google kind= "kind"
google htmlTitle= "htmlTitle"
google displayLink="displayLink"
google snippet= "snippet"
google htmlSnippet= "htmlSnippet"
google cacheId= "cacheId"
google formattedUrl="formattedUrl"
google htmlFormattedUrl="htmlFormattedUrl"
google pagemap="pagemap"
google cse_thumbnail= "cse_thumbnail"
google src="src"
google width="width"
google height="height"
google metatags="metatags"
google image= "image"
google og:Image= "og:image"
google urlType="url.type"
google urlTemplate="url.template"
google requestTitle="queries.request[0].title"
google totalResults= "queries.request[0].totalResults"
google searchTerms="queries.request[0].searchTerms"
google count="queries.request[0].count"
google startIndex="queries.request[0].startIndex"
google inputEncoding= "queries.request[0].inputEncoding"
google outputEncoding= "queries.request[0].outputEncoding"
google safe= "queries.request[0].safe"
google cx= "queries.request[0].cx"
google nextPageTitle= "queries.nextPage[0].title"
google nextPageTotalResults= "queries.nextPage[0].totalResults"
google nextPageSearchTerms="queries.nextPage[0].searchTerms"
google nextPageCount="queries.nextPage[0].count"
google nextPageStartIndex="queries.nextPage[0].startIndex"
google nextPageInputEncoding= "queries.nextPage[0].inputEncoding"
google nextPageOutputEncoding= "queries.nextPage[0].outputEncoding"
google nextPageSafe= "queries.nextPage[0].safe"
google nextPageCx= "queries.nextPage[0].cx"
google contextTitle= "context.title"
google searchTime= "searchInformation.searchTime"
google formattedSearchTime= "searchInformation.formattedSearchTime"
google totalResultsCount= "searchInformation.totalResults"
google formattedTotalResults="searchInformation.formattedTotalResults"


Use audio prompts to Make audio from text.


use any of the 6 aI Generated voice options under the voice dropdown. choose between audio models using audio quality dropdown. choose audio output format for audio prompts using output format dropdown. choose speed of voice using the speed Dropdown.


start and stop searches in the start search section.

If an abort function fails, refresh your screen to abort all fetches. note that you must have at least 20,000 tokens to start a search.


select the correct additional search settings to start the correct type of search you want to use.

enable Related Keywords enables a fetch using chat-GPT-4 that returns a list of additional keywords similar to each keyword You add. this is a useful feature for keyword generation.

use enable my custom prompts to enable custom prompts. note you will only have a fetch for each custom prompt with instructions per each keyword.

enable my image prompts enables the 14 image prompts (4 image to text and 10 text to image).

enable my SERP prompts enables Search engine prompts based on keyword specific google search result data.

enable my audio prompts enables the 4 audio prompts.

Additional Search Settings 

Enable/Disable Search Types. Adding Additional Search Types Results In Increased Usage Costs.


note that the search cost estimator is not always accurate as fetching Totals vary for reasons such as prompt Length, model type, etc. use it as a rough estimate of a search cost. always test out any large search with a smaller search to see that you get your expected results.

note that the processing bar percentages are also a rough estimate and sometimes may be inaccurate to the fetching totals. normally the app will work correctly if you simply wait long enough For all results to show in the result table. sometimes it may take up to 1-2 min for one cell to show a result in the result table.


the result table displays any non my quick ai or quick search results from multiprompts in one central database. you can Navigate the tabs using the scroll down and scroll left and right options.

select any cell to open a cell modal screen where you can edit any result as you wish. this is helpful for reformattig or fixing small errors in ai responses.

click on audio and image links within 1 hr as these expire after 1 hr. right Click on all audio and image links in cells to download all audio and images or use the csv feature to export all links.

note that prompting errors, connection errors, and other fetching errors can Occasionally Occur, especially if too many keywords are used for image creation. audio and text do not have time-limited Constraints as low as images and can easily process greater amounts of audio or text prompts simultaneously. reach out to support for any questions about prompting or fetching limitations or technical issues effecting your searches.


use download csv to Download a copy of the result table complete with links to any Audio and images as well as all text responses for each keyword.

use save Default search Settings to save the default search settings in your multiprompts. as you update these, you can resave over by pressing this again.

load last saved default search Settings will load the text in Your last Saved settings menu, allowing you to use multiprompts however you have saved them previously Using the save default Search Settings button.

clear all input fields allows you to clear out all input fields for all multiPrompts, Allowing you to remove unwanted text from any multiprompts Which you may not want to use in a future search.


use multiprompter member portal to access all account specific information, such as your current subscription plan, billing, or token information. You must be logged in to purchase tokens as well as to use multiprompter either on desktop or mobile versions.


Note that you must have at least 20,000 tokens to run any search. thus if you are starting a new account, you will receive 20,000 free tokens that are not ever used which are added in addition to whichever amount you receive for free from your subscription plan. for example, multiprompter basic members receive 100,000 tokens per month + 20,000 tokens when signing up.

token and membership sales are final. note Any subscription can be Cancelled in the multiPrompter member portal or by Contacting [email protected].


MultiPrompter (Internet Basic)
<h2>MultiPrompter Internet Basic</h2> <strong>Connect AI MultiPrompter</strong> to live internet data, enhancing your MultiPrompter prompt responses. This integration allows you to utilize all custom prompts, image prompts, article prompts, and SERP prompts with additional information from your selected websites. Enjoy up to <strong>6000 live searches per month</strong>. Please note, it may take a one-time activation of up to 1-10 business days to add your account-specific web access features. <h3>Comprehensive Web Version Access</h3> Receive access to the web/mobile version of <strong>AI MultiPrompter</strong>, including all application updates while holding an active subscription, as well as <strong>100,000 application Tokens added per month</strong> for a simple recurring $30 monthly payment. <h3>Powerful MultiPrompting Capabilities</h3> <strong>AI MultiPrompter</strong> allows you to multiply the power of AI using our <strong>34 simultaneous MultiPrompts</strong>. MultiPrompting combines Claude, Google-Gemini, Chat-GPT, and Google Search result data. Welcome to the power of our MultiPrompting platform, where you can simultaneously prompt your keywords at scale. Includes 8 unique search modes for simultaneous generative AI text, audio, images, and results with modes for <strong>4 articles</strong>, <strong>50 images</strong>, <strong>9 custom prompts</strong>, <strong>4 Google Search integrated prompts</strong>, and <strong>4 audio prompts</strong>, simultaneously for each keyword, up to Claude, Chat-GPT, and Gemini time-based daily fetching limits. Subscriptions come with recurring loads of <strong>100,000 tokens added per month</strong> ($20 dollar value). <h3>Token Value and Utility</h3> 100,000 MultiPrompter Tokens equals: <ul> <li>Up to 1000 Simple Google Custom Search Result simple keyword searches</li> <li>Up to 125 Dalle-3 AI generated images</li> <li>Up to 333,000+ characters of AI generated audio using TTS-1 and 166000+ character of AI generated audio using TTS-1-HD</li> <li>Up to 1000+ Gemini, Claude, or Chat-GPT text responses assuming average token cost of 100 tokens (1 cent) per text search. Note that depending on which model you select, length and complexity of your prompt request and result, this may range substantially.</li> </ul>   It is possible to limit Chat-GPT response costs using MultiPrompter's max token feature between 0-4000 tokens per your preferences with a default value of 250 tokens per response. Gpt-4-1106-vision-preview is about 600 tokens per 1000 words, Gpt-4 is about 1200 tokens per 1000 words, gpt-3.5-turbo-1106 60 tokens per 1000 words, and Gemini-Pro and Gemini-Pro Vision are about 100 tokens per 1000 words. Claude is approximately 17 tokens per 1000 characters of input and 50 tokens per 1000 characters of output. <h2>Membership Terms and Conditions</h2> "By subscribing to our service, you agree to the following terms and conditions, which govern your membership with us: <ul> <li><strong>Terms of Service (TOS)</strong>: Please read and fully understand our Terms of Service before subscribing. These terms outline the rules and responsibilities of both you and our company regarding your subscription.</li> <li><strong>Privacy Policy</strong>: Your privacy is important to us. Our Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and protect your personal information. Please review it to understand our data practices.</li> <li><strong>End-User License Agreement (EULA)</strong>: Since MultiPrompter includes software or digital products, our End-User License Agreement (EULA) governs your use of these assets. Make sure to familiarize yourself with this agreement.</li> </ul>   By subscribing, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by these documents. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Customer Support for assistance. We value your trust and are committed to providing a secure and transparent subscription experience. Thank you for choosing us as your subscription service provider."
$30.00 per Month.
MultiPrompter (Internet Basic)
<h2>MultiPrompter Internet Basic</h2> <strong>Connect AI MultiPrompter</strong> to live internet data, enhancing your MultiPrompter prompt responses. This integration allows you to utilize all custom prompts, image prompts, article prompts, and SERP prompts with additional information from your selected websites. Enjoy up to <strong>6000 live searches per month</strong>. Please note, it may take a one-time activation of up to 1-10 business days to add your account-specific web access features. <h3>Comprehensive Web Version Access</h3> Receive access to the web/mobile version of <strong>AI MultiPrompter</strong>, including all application updates while holding an active subscription, as well as <strong>100,000 application Tokens added per month</strong> for a simple recurring $30 monthly payment. <h3>Powerful MultiPrompting Capabilities</h3> <strong>AI MultiPrompter</strong> allows you to multiply the power of AI using our <strong>34 simultaneous MultiPrompts</strong>. MultiPrompting combines Claude, Google-Gemini, Chat-GPT, and Google Search result data. Welcome to the power of our MultiPrompting platform, where you can simultaneously prompt your keywords at scale. Includes 8 unique search modes for simultaneous generative AI text, audio, images, and results with modes for <strong>4 articles</strong>, <strong>50 images</strong>, <strong>9 custom prompts</strong>, <strong>4 Google Search integrated prompts</strong>, and <strong>4 audio prompts</strong>, simultaneously for each keyword, up to Claude, Chat-GPT, and Gemini time-based daily fetching limits. Subscriptions come with recurring loads of <strong>100,000 tokens added per month</strong> ($20 dollar value). <h3>Token Value and Utility</h3> 100,000 MultiPrompter Tokens equals: <ul> <li>Up to 1000 Simple Google Custom Search Result simple keyword searches</li> <li>Up to 125 Dalle-3 AI generated images</li> <li>Up to 333,000+ characters of AI generated audio using TTS-1 and 166000+ character of AI generated audio using TTS-1-HD</li> <li>Up to 1000+ Gemini, Claude, or Chat-GPT text responses assuming average token cost of 100 tokens (1 cent) per text search. Note that depending on which model you select, length and complexity of your prompt request and result, this may range substantially.</li> </ul>   It is possible to limit Chat-GPT response costs using MultiPrompter's max token feature between 0-4000 tokens per your preferences with a default value of 250 tokens per response. Gpt-4-1106-vision-preview is about 600 tokens per 1000 words, Gpt-4 is about 1200 tokens per 1000 words, gpt-3.5-turbo-1106 60 tokens per 1000 words, and Gemini-Pro and Gemini-Pro Vision are about 100 tokens per 1000 words. Claude is approximately 17 tokens per 1000 characters of input and 50 tokens per 1000 characters of output. <h2>Membership Terms and Conditions</h2> "By subscribing to our service, you agree to the following terms and conditions, which govern your membership with us: <ul> <li><strong>Terms of Service (TOS)</strong>: Please read and fully understand our Terms of Service before subscribing. These terms outline the rules and responsibilities of both you and our company regarding your subscription.</li> <li><strong>Privacy Policy</strong>: Your privacy is important to us. Our Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and protect your personal information. Please review it to understand our data practices.</li> <li><strong>End-User License Agreement (EULA)</strong>: Since MultiPrompter includes software or digital products, our End-User License Agreement (EULA) governs your use of these assets. Make sure to familiarize yourself with this agreement.</li> </ul>   By subscribing, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by these documents. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Customer Support for assistance. We value your trust and are committed to providing a secure and transparent subscription experience. Thank you for choosing us as your subscription service provider."
$30.00 per Month.

MultiPrompter live search can only be accessed by current internet basic or internet premium members.

live web search connects your aI MultiPrompts to live web data.

There are two types of live web searches, direct url web searches and prompt-based searches. users can ask questions about specific websites for direct url searches by directly writing their urls Separated by commas and hitting the enable web Button.. to do a prompt-based live web search. users simply enter a prompt and hit the enable web search Button. live web Search are available in My aI quick search, my custom prompts, and search engine Prompts.

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Access 11+ Premium AI Models Connected to Over 7000+ Apps and Live Internet and Keyword Search OptionsĀ 

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